Read what Students and Educators who have used The Contemporary Music Course are saying about it.
The biggest step forward I ever took as a musician was a result of an evening course I attended run by Clive Cockburn. It wasn't that I didn't know any of the music theory he taught - but more that he changed my perception and taught me to understand and use that knowledge much more productively - and my song writing and arranging abilities were hugely enhanced as a result.
I would like to thank you for access to your wonderful site and resources.
It is a brilliantly put together series and you obviously have been a working musician as the material is all crafted from a very real, practical point of view.
Jim Wallace, HOD
Kamo High School, Whangarei
Your teaching resource is a fantastic way of breathing life into literacy skills... it’s changed my life.
Students can work at their own pace and they WANT to work on theory!
Greg Crayford, HOD Music
Rongotai College, Wellington.
Once again thanks so much! My senior students are loving the course. I will definitely rave about it to anyone who'll listen.
You've made what was a very, very difficult term a lot more manageable; I'm finally starting to feel a little sane!
Matt Davis
Unlimited School, Christchurch
I love the way you've explained some of your theory - very clear and concise. Working my way through your material.
Thanks for taking the time - it's an amazing resource. I'm using the course with Year 10 students. It works well from a personal learning point of view and is a great reference for them. It's like having several teachers in the room at the same time - which is a good thing.
I use a lot of technology with them (Sibelius, Pro Tools, Reason etc) so your approach being it bite-sized chunks allows them to experiment with putting the theory into practice using technology. Their knowledge and skills vary greatly so having you there has been great as I can use your material as extension activities whenever necessary.
Jon Bowen, Assistant Principal HOD Performing Arts and Music
St Peters College, Palmerston North.
...it's going well and proving to be very useful.
John Dodd
Logan Park High School, Dunedin
This is an appealing, comprehensive multi-level programme which sits well with current learning objectives - and affordable also.
Stephanie Lees
Teacher and Education Manager - NZ Music Commission